Since neither Andropilot nor Droidplanner is capable of reading a mission text file without having issues with commands each program doesnt recognize because of being out of date or having a bug...wouldn't it be nice if some Android programmer out there created an ultra simple utility that would take a MP generated mission.txt file and just upload it over a Mavlink connection (USB or Bluetooth) without having to understand anything thats in it? no frills...just choose USB at 56700 or 115000 or Bluetooth at 56700, Connect,navigate to directory and text file and upload it over Mavlink to the vehicle....let the vehicle decide if its correctly formatted or not....

then you could create missions at home with to a folder on your phone or tablet and then selectively load them into the vehicle at the could still use one of the above GCS for flight,etc.

any takers? ;)

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  • Both android tools you mention are open source, the only solution that make sense, is to improve those. Start programming.
  • DO you mean something that could take a flight log and make a spreadsheet out of it ?

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