Mission Planner Downloading Issues

Hi Guys,

i have been trying to down load Mission Planner installation files for the last two days.  First issue is that it is taking 4-5 hours to down load all of 64Mb.  There is no issue with downloading from other sites and there is no issue with internet speed.  I have tried on two other PC's same issue.

After waiting hours i get a timed out issue or i get an issue saying installation package could not be opened.

On my PC i did manage to install an older version of MP but if i try and update one it takes ages to down load/install the update and then i get a timed out issue.

Anyone else come across this or know of a solution.  My laptop is windows 10 and my PC is windows 7


Kimberley Attwell

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  • Is your internet service provider one that has dual band technology ? You will know by looking at your home address.  This is usually something like this 28HOME2.4 If yours lists two addresses (a 2.4 and a 5) experiment around. The 5 meg speed is supposed to be faster but due to logistical restrictions Mission Planner may not work well over it. Try a download using the "slower" 2.4 speed and see if it gets the package into system any quicker. My ISP is running around 3.5 minutes to download the zip files for mission planner with another 20seconds to unzip with the 2.4 setting while the "faster" 5 meg speed taking twice as long.

  • I am not on a VPN - good news is that I did manage to finlay get the installation files to download and they installed.  What a marathon I don't remember it being this hard.

    Anyway if anyone has issues I have a copy of the latest .msi files I can drop box them


  • HI, my download was slow but to the point it timed out. Are you on a VPN? I remember when I was going through a VPN, everything was slowed down, especially downloads via the browser. Good luck

    Keep at it, even the updates take a long time, insha Allah it's well worth it.

  • Try APMPlanner2 or Qgroundcontrol. Much faster and efficient than 64MB of .not :)
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