Mission Planner only works for Planes!

I never could get Mission Planner to work with my PX4 because everytime I tried it wouldn't connect and freeze.  I followed the video posted by Vernon Silvers, Pixhawk, where he got it working for a Plane so I tried a Plane too. I never tried configuring it for a Plane before since I have a Copter. Much to my surprise the Plane worked and I was able to connect and see flight data!  If I select the plane like he did it will upload firmware and then connect and I get data but if I select any other craft like a copter or truck it still seems to upload firmware but when I try to connect it either freezes or times out!  Seems like a BIG PROBLEM for this program if it can't work for copters!  Is there a fix for this or an update that makes it work for other types of crafts besides just a Plane?

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    • Sgt Ric saying  that "thousands of users use Mission Planner" isn't any help since it won't work for me!  I remain skeptical since I haven't seen any proof that any of this software works at all.

      • Your first several posts didn't ask for advice, they only sounded like accusations and complaining.

        I don't think anyone has to prove anything!

        Mission Planner is an incredible piece of (free) software developed within the open-source community, and it works.
        • Richard, I wasn't even sure what to ask when I first started since I was so shocked by what a total failure all the software was!  I tried Qground first and it wouldn't even run in Windows after being installed!  I used the work around of installing Qt that's described in Issue 810 on Github to get it going. Then when I tried to do the Firmware Update it didn't have the firmware update feature!  Since nobody else would address the problem I filed another Issue on Github, #822 and got the missing features replaced in another release. Then after trying it the third time it wouldn't update the firmware to configure the PX4 as a copter. It fails every time with around 40 different errors: can't find file, can't find folder, wrong file type, can't find PX4, PX4 wrong ID, etc. and my favorite that says "PX4 found" but just stops there and freezes and I have to kill the program and restart it to try again.  I then tried MP but it looks just about the same and seems to work about the same too with most of the same problems and all the same errors. It can't configure the PX4 as a copter either or connect to the board after I try so you can see why I'm not impressed!

    • You fly your mutlicopter every day?

  • It's not doing anything different for planes.
    Try APM planner, if you use windows and are in driver hell, try Linux.
    But I guess your Pixhawk may have a defective port, if you ate using usb, and the same setup worked with another Pixhawk
    • Andre K.  It must be doing something different for planes since that's the only kind of craft that will work, even the GPS works! Too bad I don't have a plane!  So how do you get it to work in Linux?  I have Linux Mint 17 on one of my laptops so I tried all the Linux versions but none of them worked.  The next to the last one, Trusty AMD64 seemed to install and even said it needed additional files but when it was done it just disappeared and I couldn't find it anywhere. I doubt Linux Mint has a driver for it though, it doesn't have hardly any USB drivers and my Logitech headset won't even work!  Is there a better Linux distro to use? 

      • Instnall ubuntu 14.04 x64   ,then 


        run these commands:

        sudo apt-get remove modemmanager


        sudo adduser (your username) dialout

        You need to stop with attitude like this:

        "I remain skeptical since I haven't seen any proof that any of this software works at all."

        Most users don't even know how to compile, or flash firmware by other means that mission planner or APM planner - it's nothing to prove, what you should use some time on, is providing logs from the software you tried.

        PX4 1.7 is not the most sold hardware, but I strongly doubt it's support could be broken in both tools.

        Finally; there's another way to flash, that may give a more verbose output:


        I hope not, but it would not surprise me is yours got a defective flash.  - all kinds of crazy stuff can heppen then.

        • Andre, I'm not a programmer so that doesn't help me very much.  I used to like Ubuntu years ago but I don't use it now since it spies on you and has too many ads. 

          • the first thing you can do is fixubuntu.com :)

            from 14.10 that ends.

            and of course, you are free to choose distro you like, I only suggested a popular one.  you use Mint , so you're set anyway I guess, it should work fine with the Ubuntu .deb's.

            • Andre, do you know of a version of the program that will work in Mint?  Like I said I tried all the different ones listed and none of them work except the next to the last one that seemed to be installing but then disappeared and I can't find it listed anywhere in order to try it.

This reply was deleted.


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