Mission Planner without 'ground' radio module

What exactly can i do with the mission planner if i don't attach the ground module of the 3DR radio to the computer using an FTDI-USB cable. (consider that the air module is attached to APM.)

The things i know of are the things that can be done when APM is connected to the computer via USB.

1. loading firmware onto APM.

2. setting up flight modes. (I think once the flight modes are set say(loiter, Flight [direct control by RC radio]) , RTL[can it RTL? there is a GPS on the drone so, should be possible?])

Flight modes can we switched using the RC controller. (using a spek DX8).

3. configuration of ESCs

4. config of accelorometer

5. arming the drone.

6. binding channels.

does that sound right?

Is there anything else i can do using the MP if i don't have a 3DR radio ground module?

perhaps, something that can be done when APM is not connected via USB.

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  • I am not sure about your question, but I will try.

    When plugged in with the usb cable MP can do everything, set parameters, upload missions, get telemetry, change modes, and upload firmware.

    With the 3dr radio connected MP can do everything except upload firmware.

    If there is no 3dr radio and no usb cable then of course MP cannot communicate with the plane at all. You can still fly and change modes with your mode switch on your RC Tx. Binding channels has nothing to do with APM. That's between your Tx and Rx.

    With out a connection, the only thing MP can do is replay or graph previously recorded tlog files that you download from the plane after a flight, using the usb cable.

    If you have only an air module and not ground module, it's useless. Get a ground module.

    You need to read this for planes, this for copters

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