Mode Switch Turnigy 9x Virtual Rotary Switch

New mode switch for turnigy 9x like rotary switch using the momemtary trainer (TRN) switch.


Mixes configurator :



Configure labels and pulses :



A little video for demonstration:

Rolling switch demonstration


For those who want to test the new firmare I put the zip file containing the modified firmware er9x and only eepe.exe.

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  • Is there a way to get the mode name to display on the screen without using the momentary TRN switch?

    I'd like to use the 3 position AUX3 switch with the AIL D/R switch for faster access to modes without having to cycle through.

  • I'm very interested in using this. i tried the eepe.exe and it wont run any suggestions to get this working currently?

    Thanks in advance

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