
Most stable Arducopter version?


I'm going to be sending up some pretty expensive equipment soon, and would like to know which version of Arducopter is most stable (rock solid), so that I don't have any crazy reboots mid flight, TBE, anomalies. I'm not looking for 2m loiter and altitude accuracy because I'll just be using Alt_Hold (for FPV) and RTL to bring it back to a point where I can land in Stabilize. I also understand that this depends a lot on setup and tuning, but let's assume that's all perfect for now. Any help would be appreciated.


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  • Today I expired the second time with abrupt altitude drop in ALT HLD and LOITER mode. The last situation ended in a crash toground (very lucky for me there were no damage (and I cant understand why)).

    It hapand many times during my flight, small and greater altitude drops (in LOITER mode) all from ~0.2 to 0.5 seconds. I wanted to complete the mission and were ready to manage the drops, but the last time, the drop lasted for maybe 3 seconds. I switched to STAB mode but not enough height to stop the rapid decent (almost like a free fall). What is the reason? Someone know?

    (APM2.5 Arducopter 2.9.1b 3DR HEX)

  • 100KM
    Thanks! I've been using APM2 on planes for a while now with good success, but only started with Arducopter on version 2.9.1. So I don't have experience with earlier versions. I must say that 2.9.1 surprised me - was way easier to get to the auto flight that arduplane. I can also say that 2.9.1b is quite an improvement against 2.9.1, as pong as you keep two things in mind... Manual magnetic calibration, and do not take off immediately after landing, I rather reset the APM by physically disconnecting and reconnecting the battery.

    But, I've been reading about some scary mid air resets and lock ups, hence my question.

    I can wait another 3 weeks or so for 2.9.2 (3.0?) - so let's see.

    Maybe I should ask the question in a different way - what is the max number of flights you had without incedent (nit pilot induced, but APM lock up / fail) and on what version did you get this?

    Thanks guys.
  • If you have a bit of time, wait and see what 2.9.2 gives.

    There are bits of 2.9.1b, that are better than 2.8.1, but currently it has some significant problems is any 'energetic' movements are undertaken by either the pilot, or the auto-pilot. Use a Ublox GPS, and manually calibrate the compass, and provided movements are gentle 2.9.1b is better, but still has nasty 'oddities'.

    Was playing this today, with 2.9.1b, and a Naza, on two very similar copters. Early today, loiter in light wind was superb, and the ardu was possibly beating the Naza. 2.9.1b, now has the same response as the Naza, trying to 'catch' movements before the GPS can resolve them. Alt hold was also very good. However yaw the copters smartly, and while the Naza will go right round, and end up where it started within a few cm, the ardu just sometimes will drop sharply. You have to be really quick to catch it....

    Similarly this afternoon, winds got quite gusty. You could watch the Naza tilting the platform over 25 degrees in some gusts, but still holding position. On the ardu, just sometimes the same response was accompanied with "I'm not going to try to hold altitude", and a rapid drop...

    Currently, 2.9.1b, "looks good, but has some nasty gothcha's".

    2.9.1, for me, was worse.

    Best Wishes

  • T3
    I've had excellent results with 2.9.1 on my Quad. My hex has not been doing as well. Still trying to figure out why.
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