Motor output 2 doesn't work

Hello everybody. First of all, I apologise for my poor english.

 I read this forums and I decide to build my own copter. My configuration is Hexa +.

I have a APM 2056. I flew it for the first time with 2.0.38 code. Very stabile. Althold OK, but Loiter didn't work. I flew it about 10 times and it flyes verywell.

 So I uploaded the 2.0.39 code. With this code, loiter works.

After 5 flights, when I landing and disarm motors, the motor coresponding to output2 started to spin slowly. When I armed again, this motor started to beep and no response when I push the throtle. The rest of 5 motor worked great.

I try to recalibrated esc manualy. No result. I recalibrated with APM and the output 2 started to work.

When I want to fly and conect the battery, same problem. No work.

I repeat the procedure of calibration, but this time didn'work.

I uploaded again the code 2.0.39. Nothing. The output 2 is dead. I uploaded the 2.038 code. Still nothing.  The motors 2 refuse to start.

I put in the output 2,, for the test another esc with motor and still nothing.


Is possible to burned out the output 2? And if it is, why? I following the procedure as it describe on the arducopter's page. All the connectors is ok.


Could you tell me wich is the problem?




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  • Hi like you I am relativeky new to the ARDUcopter forum. I built my first quad recently and have had trouble with one motor which may not be the same problem but perhaps what I did to trouble shoot will help. Given you need to isolate the fault, have you tried to temporarily switch connections with a known good motor to the ESC and wiring harness your bad motor is on and vesa versa? Keep in mind this can be a risk if there is a loose connection or dry solder joint as you do not want to risk damaging another good motor during a recalibration or some other spin up test. At least if the issue moves with the motor you will know it is in the motor end. Alternatively if it remains on the ESC and wiring the old Motor was on then you have at least elimnated one variable. For ground testing only unless you physically move the motor and not just the wiring between adjacent arms!

    I do not know which motors you are using but I found the 880Kv I obtained from the jdrones shop had bullet connectors which can be loose depending on the matching female connectors you use on the 3 wire ESC motor connections. I am planning to hard solder my motors from now on after working out the rotation direction.

    All the best. Glad to know about the 2.0.37 experience I have that code loaded at the moment

    Unfortunately I burnt a motor out due to some unknown issues I reported on the forum but no one seem to offer me any advice when I posted it under the tile of Motor Interference.
  • I am actually having this problem to. Occasionally, only when disarmed, motor 2 will loose connection and the esc will make the motor twitch with that rythmic beeping. .39 has not been good to me...

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