Motors running continuously… :-(

Seem to have encountered a problem which i can't figure out or fix.


I've just loaded the latest arducopter code to my APM/OilPan and as soon as it's loaded and whenever i connect the main pack the motors chime and then start running continuously.


I've connected to the config app and the app displays the data from the APM/OilPan, but the motors are indicated as being off. Trying to send motor commands is ineffective.


I've configured the Tx and the config app reacts as i move the sticks.


No amount of adjusting, stick moving etc seems to have any affect.


When i pic the 'copter up and move it around there's no change in motor speed.


LEDs: i have solid red and amber with flashing blue (PPM) leds on the APM. Solid blue, green (A) and amber (B) leds on the OilPan.


Can anyone help please?

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