Hi again,
The next step ....... after assembly and radio control problems, I managed to get my motors to turn.
When I tried to lift off for the first time, the hexa just stayed in place, didn't move. So, I thought about all the posts I read on this forum, and I changed all the pushers for normal propellors (and vise versa of course). The hexa started to lift off, but tilted immediately and heavy to 1 side, in as far that the propellors would have touched the ground before I could really lift off.
So, now I have two issues :
1./ By changing propellors, I now have a configuration that doesn't accord with the wiki-drawings (hexa +), is that wrong or doesn't it matter ? I suppose the motors have been oriented differently on my hexa. See picture below :
2./ Because of that first problem and the heavy tilt, I tried to test the motors in CLI to see how they turn and in which direction, as mentioned in wiki (http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/wiki/AC2_Props_2)
But I only had a response from 2 motors : "Normal propellor 1 & 2", the other motors didn't react to any stick movements (see text on picture above).
Once again, there has to be a couple of things I don't understand yet.
Thanks guys.
The orientation of the APM and the propellor direction should be as per the wiki. Swapping propellors (and, I assume, motor directions) will, at very least, cause Yaw problems.
Sounds a little like you might have motor direction problems. Going back a step, did ESC calibration go OK? When you first tried to lift off, were all props turning and in the right directions (i.e. Normal = CCW, Pusher = CW)?