My Dynam HawkSky

Just some notes on the HawkSky here.

I ended up pinning the wings in place with a small nail in each wing. When testing on the ground, the engine vibration made one wing vibrate loose from the airframe. not a good scenario if in flight and a wing comes off.


added loctite to the elevator, aileron, and rudder pushrod holding screws. these seem to vibrate loose as well after a while.


my plane is equiped with a futaba 2.4Ghz 7c, APM with version 1.0, 2 xbee 900's and a mediatek gps. for $120 its a great plane. plenty of room for all equipment.


today i tested stabilization mode. it flys perfectly in 10+ mph winds. i did spend some time to get the airplane as trimmed as possible before switching to stabilization mode.


still need to solve the issues of throttle cutout and decent below default in RTL mode, and determining a safe flight duration.











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  • That is very good info on the loctite. I lost a pushrod and pushrod screwy thingy (does someone know what they are called) when I hit a tree on my second flight and am trying to make a replacement with piano wire right now.  These little tips are the things I wish I had known before learning the hard way. Thanks!
  • Hey Erik !


    Glad to see your progress so far. I'm planning to start off my project with a Dynam Hawk Sky too. So I was wondering, that as APM is best implemented on an Easy Star, and the difference between an E* and a Hawk Sky being the absence of Ailerons on the E*. Did you disconnect your ailerons, or integrate it via the code? 

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