
  I was wondering if any of you have the Turnigy 9ch ?    Are you running the stock throttle curve parameters or did you make any custom changes ?  Also I've been following the directions on how to configure the stock version 2 firmware for 6 flight modes.  Everything was going fine until I hit the mix menu. Here:


GYR is not available for master.. only aileron, pit, elevator,throttle

FLP is not available for slave..    only aileron, pit, elevator,throttle

I configured for Helicopter mode 1, do I need to change my config for airplane ?

Is  there a battery pack available for this transmitter ?

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  • I am about to make the migration from my Spektrum DX5e to Turnigy 9ch.  I would like to double check the Turnigy receiver mapping.  Can someone tell me if I'm right ?


    Throttle      3

    Aleron        1

    Elevator     2

    Rudder      4

    Gear          5

    Aux1          6

  • Distributor

    You did not mention what you plan to fly with this but if you are using an apm you need to know that you need to set it to Plane mode, NOT Heli... and dont  do any curves or trims... 

  • I am using the Hobbyking Rhino 2620mAh 3S 11.1v Low-Discharge Transmitter Lipoly Pack.  Works perfectly.

  • I want to add that I am using the flight mode and gear switch.

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