Need a flight control board...

I'm looking for a flight control board? Choices:

1) HKPilot32 Autonomous Vehicle 32Bit Control Set w/ Power Module,

2) HKPilot Mega 2.7 Flight Controller USB/GYRO/ACC/MAG/BARO

Anybody have any 1st hand knowledge on how they perform? Or other "board" suggestions? And one that can be ordered from a company that is located here in the states?

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  • What a disappointment.
    The Beagle Bone Black and Fire Cape combo had me all excited back in feb 2014, so I bought 2 BBB's in anticipation.

    Today I find out the cape is finally available from Erle-Brain, but at the premium price of 199 euros, plus they want 55 euros to post it to Australia. That comes to AU$370.....just for the cape.

    Yet another snout in the trough. Rant over
  • Interesting...

  • Both are clone of ArduPilot.

    You came to the right place.

    HK sends you here for the documentation anyway.

    • Hi Richard,

      What's a good flight board to use?

      • Moderator

        "...ArduPilot, the world's first universal autopilot platform (planes, multicopters of all sorts and ground rovers). Today the Pixhawk andAPM 2.6 autopilots run a variety of powerful free and open UAV software systems, including:

        • ArduCopter, a fully-autonomous multicopter and heli UAV system
        • ArduPlane, a pro-level UAV system for planes of all types
        • ArduRover, a fully-autonomous ground-based vehicle system "

        *Pasted from the front page of this site!

        • HOOAH! Sgt. Ric,

          I thought about it? I'm going to order that APM 2.6...

          Thanks for the input...

This reply was deleted.


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