Hi guys, it's me again :)
After braking one of my motors I decided to buy new ones but I don't know what motor to choose:
I've seen this one:
The problem is that on the ecalc it says that the hover is at about 67% of throttle.
I have a quadcopter with 3300mAh battery 40C 3s Lipo, 30A ESC with Simonk and a total weight (including the actual motors) of no more than 1,4 - 1,5 kilos and I was thinking to use 10" props.
Please I need help to choose a motor that allows me about 8- 10 minutes of a nice flight with a gopro (not more than 20$ per motor)!!
I would prefer longer time than aggressivity.
Any advice?
More important are the props you use on the setup to give it more efficiency. Main rules for efficiency in my opinion:
1 Use low KV motors for efficency setups
2 Motor manufacturers indication of prop size is usually rubish.. you have to test what makes sense and buy the props regarding to your tests. Best efficency I got with SF props compared to E types... as soon as you run your system a lot over 60-70%... the SF becomes far less efficient than the E type prop. As long as you stay around 50% throtle, the SF prop wins big time in trust/power consum.
3 If a motor is 3-4S... 4S is usually the better setup... so look for a motor that has 3S as max input.. remember that the engine batterie need to prop is oposit. If the manufacturer said: 3-4S Batteries and 9 - 10 inch props, you use the 10 inch on the 3S and the 9 Inch on the 4S version..
Hope that helped a bit