
I have a new Pixhawk coming in the mail with a new NEO-M8N GPS. Is it plug and play with the latest Airplane and multirotor firmware?

I will be first using it on a Quad but later this winter I will be putting it in my airplane. I have been reading and there is a lot of conflicting information about these new GPS modules. I found some information on possible changes in the code for Europe but I live in the US?

It should arrive in a week or so and I was planning on loading 3.2.1 Quad firmware. What can I expect – what should I be looking for to know if it’s working ok or not? I am not an expert on programming and was hoping it was just a plug and plan combo.




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  • I have noticed that some decrease the EKF_VEL_DELAY and EKF_POS_DELAY because the 8 series have less lag than older series. Has anyone experimented with this to find the optimal value?




  • See I bought the one from goodluckbuy as well and I wasn't getting good flight performance on LOITER and RTL so I decided to open that module even though I was getting hdop 1.2. I found that when they closed the housing they had pinched a yellow wire which is DCT SCL wire for the Honeywell DCT they ise forget the exact name at the moment. I highly recommend opening that housing to see what the inside looks like. 4 1mm screws... piece of mind. The board was excellent and soldering good but an assembly issue.

  • nobody can really say what you will get, the GPS may be ok, but the "clones" (should be named partial-clones) are missing power redundancy chip, have no IO buffer chips , or only one, when real Pixhawk have 4 , and are completely missing all bigger capacitors, and >30 resistors, >10 smaller capacitors - I did not take time to fully analyze it yet..

  • I bought the cheapest one I could find from Goodluckbuy, at $19. Best gps I ever had, no configuration, plug and play, 17-20 satellites most of the time.
    I have also read that some are good, and some not, so maybe I'm just lucky.
    Immediately ordered two more of the same type, but have not tried them yet.

    • Thanks, that’s very encouraging news.

      What version of firmware are you using? Is it a multirotor or airplane?




      • Original 3dr Pixhawk, on a 600 size quad.Have run AC 3.2 but is now on 3.3 r10.
        I used to run a homemade breakout with a Ublox Max-7, and a Tallysman active antenna, but so far the cheapie N8M gives better results. I live in Northern Europe, so I guess I make good use of the Glonass satellites.
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