Hello,I bought a $22 Neo-m8n, with compass from Banggood.com, and for the money it is working real good. The latest firmware can not be flashed to it, and that's when I realized it was a fake. Where can I buy one, that is guaranteed to be the real…
You are maybe the first with a small quad, but the firm I work for here in Norway, did fly Penguin B fixed wing with the Sagetech, two months ago. :-)
"Original 3dr Pixhawk, on a 600 size quad.Have run AC 3.2 but is now on 3.3 r10.
I used to run a homemade breakout with a Ublox Max-7, and a Tallysman active antenna, but so far the cheapie N8M gives better results. I live in Northern Europe, so I…"
"I bought the cheapest one I could find from Goodluckbuy, at $19. Best gps I ever had, no configuration, plug and play, 17-20 satellites most of the time.
I have also read that some are good, and some not, so maybe I'm just lucky.
Immediately ordered…"
Hi,I just set up my Storm32 equipped gimbal to mavlink control, from a Pixhawk running AC3.3-r10.It seem to be working as it should now, and when doing the "point camera here" command, it does like the Wiki says.My question is; how do I regain…
"Hi, I had a problem with my Jdrones 5010 motors on Afros. The Emax 4 in 1 goes into fault mode, because Pixhawk put out 0 pwm before arming, so that also went in the bin.
After contacting Jdrones, I was adviced to try Hobbywing Xrotor esc. They…"
"My combination was Pixhawk/Afro 30/Jdrones 5010-358/4cell/ 15x5.5, and it wouldn't get off the ground at all, just tipping over, and making strange noises. Flashed with BlHeli, and tried all kinds of settings, but to no use.
After consulting…"
"Hi, Sam.
Please post a diagram of your amplifier. I am having the same problem with a Mavlink to Jeti Duplex converter, running on a pro mini.
"Interesting topic. I did some testing this spring, not on efficiency, but just trying to equalize current draw between motors. I have the Hextronic DT700 motors on my Y6. Running APC 11x4.7 on both there is a 10% difference in amps. The best result…"
"Great work, Jean Louis!
I just bought one of these controllers from http://www.diymulticopter.org/ , and I don't want to be limited to multicopters. Is it possible to use your code with some minor tweaks? I am not used to compiling stuff, but I am…"