NEW ArduPilot Mega 2560 problem


I got my new ArduPilot Mega board this week and it has already the Atmega 2560 on it.


So how do I get the ArduCopter RC2 code on that board ?


I already selected the right board type








This is the error message Ill get when I try to upload the code:

D:\DATA\Arduino\libraries\APM_RC\APM_RC.cpp:27:3: error: #error Please check the Tools/Board menu to ensure you have selected Arduino Mega as your target.

Please help!



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  • I'm trying to reload the code onto this board. When I press upload in Arduino, the A B C leds blink quickly for a bit, then the green one becomes solid. Arduino then gives me the error

    avrdude: stk500_2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout


    I can't remember how I got around this before, any thoughts?


  • I just flashed the ArduPilot Mega build to my board (ArduPilot Mega 2560) and it seems that i am having the same connection problem to ArdupilotMegaPlanner as I had with the ArduCopter RC2 and the connection to the Configurator.


    If I try to connect the green led on the IMU get dark and the RX led flashes and after 5sec. Ill get the message "Communication Error - no connection" CLI is working perfect.


    Thank´s in advance,


  • Hello,

    I was able to receive $40 from Sparkfun's free day (Thanks Sparkfun), so I figured I would buy the ArduPilot Mega, but I saw that they only have the mega 1280 for sale. I was just wondering when will the AP Mega 2560 be shipping?

    I guess I will wait a little longer.




  • Hi, thanks for the solution to the problem:)


    Krzysztof (Chris)

  • Hi all, I just managed to find a workaround get connected with the Configurator to the IMU Shield.


    Ardupilot Mega v1.4 2560

    ArduPilotMega IMU Shield/OilPan Rev-H

    The problem is that the board is not coming out of reset status as log the Configurator is polling (RX Led is flashing) for connection.


    You open the Configurator select the correct COM port, Baud Rate 115200 and Timeout 30s

    To get the connection, you press and hold down the RESET button on the IMU Shield than you click on the Connect button at the Configurator and immediately release the RESET button on the IMU Shield. Thats it, the three led´s start flashing and then the green led goes on and you are connected!


    I hope this helpsfull for everybody having this problem!



    do you know an expected release date for the ArduCopter Mega?


    Best regards,



  • Hi, can somebody tell me please the default configuratin of the FTDI FT232R on the ArduPilot Mega IMU shield.

    thanks in advance,
  • Hi, I also got ArduMega processor 2560 and I can not connect to ArducopterConfigurator. When can we expect to solve this problem.



  • hello, did you get this board(atmega 2560) to work with apm planner?for some reason i cant read/write the eeprom.

    any help will be greatly appreciated

    thank you

  • open APM_RC.cpp with editor (it is located in D:\DATA\Arduino\libraries\APM_RC\ on your pc)


    it says

    #if !defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__)
    # error Please check the Tools/Board menu to ensure you have selected Arduino Mega as your target.


    you have three options:

    1. remove these three lines

    2. replace 1280 with 2560

    3. write "#if !defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__ || __AVR_ATmega2560__)" <- best solution

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