"Splitting the servo signal to two ESC´s is not only inefficient its more unusable as of the counter rotating motors you have no tuning moment and therefore you will have no yaw function."
"Hi Darren,
your configuration with the top/bottom esc's together on the signal side will work for Roll, Pitch and Throttle but not for the Yaw because you need the turning moment of the motors and with counterrotating motors you don´t have any…"
"I just flashed the ArduPilot Mega build to my board (ArduPilot Mega 2560) and it seems that i am having the same connection problem to ArdupilotMegaPlanner as I had with the ArduCopter RC2 and the connection to the Configurator.
"Hi all, I just managed to find a workaround get connected with the Configurator to the IMU Shield.
Ardupilot Mega v1.4 2560
ArduPilotMega IMU Shield/OilPan Rev-H
The problem is that the board is not coming out of reset status as log the…"
Hi,I got my new ArduPilot Mega board this week and it has already the Atmega 2560 on it. So how do I get the ArduCopter RC2 code on that board ? I already selected the right board type This is the error message Ill get when I try to upload the…
I am very new to this project and planning to build my Quad with I2C ESC´s but I didn´t find any uncommented lines at the code. Please let me know if you finished your conversion and what have you done to get I2C support for the ESC´s.