New heavy lift design


3691247388?profile=originalPlates are 2.4mm carbonfiber/kevlar Red over cf cross lay. All parts are cut. Its 12" across so the arms are shorter. Aluminum folding arms (16x12mm cf tube) I tested the heavy 16 mm tube and its very strong. I designed the retracts with 2 motors per side and can each hold a 4s-10000 battery if I want to place them there. It is designed to hold my DYS eagle eye. I have the (8) 5010-360 motors and 18 x 5.2 folding props. Will be taking lots of pictures and uploading as I go along. motor to motor is  1225mm. The motor mount are my design with 4 rubber mount points that can be individually adjusted-made from 3mm cf (I tested the mounts with and without the rubber and gained about 40% less vibration). e-calc comes out to 58 min. hover with the 2 batteries and it has room for 4. Ill load pictures up to my website for easier viewing

Attached are pics of my plates on my cnc, the dys I built and its custom stand and the first design Hex with 2212-920's and 11" props that flies very stable.





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      • Why do the motors seem so small? Do you have specs on them?

        • RCTimer 5010/14 360kvh, I replaced the junk bearings with ceramic ones.

          Model: D5010-14
          Motor size: Ф50*10mm
          Shaft insize: Ф5.0mm
          Shaft outsize: Ф4.0mm
          Weight: 80g 
          KV(rpm/v): 360
          Battery: 2-6Li-Po
          ESC: 30A/40A

          • thanks for the info

            Good luck with the rest of your project

  • This looks great! :)

    Do you mind sharing the cnc files? :)

    • The octo or the hex? 

      • The octo :)

        But will actually use it in X8 configuration.

  • Thanks, I was starting it up in the basement with no gps lock. Will take it outside today and see what happens. I do have telemetry installed and will be finish setting up tonight

  • Looks Good.

    You shed a lot of weight on your plate design (thumbs up). maybe 3mm plates would have been better?

    16mm tubes!

    This should be a very lightweight heavy lift machine.

    Hopefully stiffness is not sacrificed.

    Let me know if you are happy with those folding arm clamps, I debated if I should have gotten those automatic arm kits.

    I decided against trying those ones and unknowingly bought the worst ones ever made.

    • The rctimer motors I am using are inexpensive but seem to be of good quality. I did order a set of high grade ceramic bearings to replace the existing ones as I think this is the weak link of these 5010-14's. I will be running them on the test stand and compare the before and after.

      • installed the ceramic bearings and checked all arms/motors with props on and vibration was almost "0" on every one. Also the watts went from 164 to 157 with the new bearings + or - 1 watt. I also modified the props by sharpening the bottom/leading edges close to the motors to give better air flow into the windings. The temp went down about 10 deg. across the board too. Hope it didn;t weaken the props but I don't think so.

        The FC Model folding arms are pretty sloppy! I put clear silicone on the arms before inserting then tightened them to help make them stiffer. The bolts are a little short also, I tightened the first lock nut until it snapped and still not al the way engaged on the thread (also some side play in the arms) Used lock tite then tightened as far as I thought possible.

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