
New RTK GPS on Indiegogo

Reach: first affordable RTK GPS receiver

Reach is for applications when your standard GPS with several meters accuracy just won’t cut it. It relies on RTK (real-time kinematics) technology to deliver centimeter level accuracy.

RTK was here for a long time, used mostly by surveyors and unaffordable to hobbyists and makers. If you needed centimeter precise positioning you had to spend thousands of dollars on an RTK system. With Reach we want to change that.

Reach runs open-source RTK processing software called RTKLIB written by Tomoji Takasu. Previously a computer was required to run RTKLIB, but now all RTKLIB features are available directly on Reach.

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      • Emin,

        It is not compulsory to use all means of communication at the same time. A simple set up would be Serial to Pixhawk using 6p-6p DF13 cable and radio (or 3g modem) connected over USB. In the future it would be only 6p cable to Pixhawk, with corrections transferred over MAVLink.

        • thx

  • YARP: Yet Another Rtk Project. That is really a good news! The Open source is making technology affordable. Thanks Emlid

  • Any plan to implement RTK function on NAVIO+ ?

    Then we can achieve very precise positioning by getting this RTK unit for base station.

    • This reply was deleted.
      • That is a great advantage to use NAVIO+ :-)

  • Couple of questions:

    - Will you have an API to allow other apps to communicate with the devices?

    - Will multiple units be able to connect over an ad-hoc WiFi (no router or internet) network or 3DR radios?

    - Any idea of vertical accuracy?

    • - There's mostly no need for special API as you can stream NMEA on any TCP\UDP port for other apps.

      - Yes, units can be connected together over WiFi. UART is available on DF13 port for radio connection.

      - As usual - twice as horizontal, so down to 4cm.

      • OK this is fate I was talking about exactly this theme today and you guys have it in a match box :)

        we are part of the Bulgarian Institute of Science and really do not have a great amount of money but if we can help in any way. Please ask

        We will take a unit in the future I am sure. 



        • Gary, thank you for your kind words. Sharing on social networks or among friends is the best way to help the project :) 

  • Is Intel Edison locked to the board or can I detach it and use it later in a different project?

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