I've just loaded 2.0.39 TRI onto my tricopter using mission planner 1.0.43. Set up the RC, accel offsets, etc without any problems, calibrated the ESC's okay. Everything seems to work fine.....but when do the pre flight test when you rotate the airframe the motors react to the gyro's but when you tilt the airframe and expect one motor to speed up and the opposite to slow down, nothing happens ? It's like the accelerometers are not working. Looking at the raw data I can see the accels are working. Is it possible that I am not in stable mode, although it should default to this ? I have tried setting up the mode switch in the CLI, dos'nt help. The artificial horizon says I'm in stable mode.



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  • You will need to go under Firmware and reload . 39 again.
  • Before you continue you should update the planner to .54 for compatibility.

  • 100KM
    And does the artificial horizon move when you tilt the copter ?
  • how much throttle did you apply?

    check in which mode you are

  • Forgot to mention, the Stab default pids are P=4.0 l=0.025 and Imax=1000 ? the Stab D value in the data settings column is 0 ?

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