No data logs - issue resolved

I had no data logs showing up for a couple weeks.  Last night I booted the APM 2 up without the flash card, then booted it up again with the card and everything came back just fine.  Just thought I'd share in case others see the issue.  Not sure how or if I caused the problem by booting or shutting it down in any certain manner, but now I know what to do.

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  • Hi Clayton,

    I posted this question in another forum, but maybe it was in the wrong place.  I'm having an issue getting the log files off of the card (APM2).  What I get is a large series of individual log files of about 1KB each.  I read something in the Wiki about setting carriage returns, but I don't believe that applies to APM2.  I am simply using the utility within Mission Planner to download the logs, but it is not working for me.  Any idea what I might be doing wrong?


  • I used to get intermittent logs until i stuck a bit of tape on the back of the SD card... been working fine since.

  • Clayton,

    There's a thread on the forum that suggests that what you did is the proceedure for formatting the card.  I wish we could get this + the keystroke sequence for getting the logs off the APM2 on to the Wiki.  There's a video posted for the last one.  I have two cards that aren't working, 1 that is.  Since my logs are working now i'm not inclined to experiment.



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