No power to servo; no output from pixhawk

Hi i am using a calmato 60 trainer with an electric motor connector, I am trying to put a pixhawk into this system but i can not get any power to the servos. 

I am using a 2.4 Ghz spectrum with a JR DSX 11; 

I connected aileron (right), elevator, throttle, rudder to main outputs behind the pixhawk and connected the left aileron to the aux 1 ( i want to use flaps);

Further, i connected to the pixhawk to 3dr gps module and power module is connected to 

6000 mAh (18.5 V 6 cell battery) and other end of the power module is connected to the ESC. 


I connected the spectrum 2.4 directly to the pixhawk - no change ( I can do calibration) but I can not power the motors

I also connected it via a receiver - connected the spectrum 2.4 transmitter to a receiver. This receiver is connected to a separate battery (5V) and from the aux channel; it is connected to the pixhawk. 

Again no servo movement. any one experience similar problems ? please help 

could it be that i need to use a lower power batter 3s? 

But i have motors with 800-1500 

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  • I finally got it; i put a 5V NiCd battery directly into the aux of the pixhawk and did manual calibration for ESC; now throttle, aileron, rudders and elevators work excellent. 

    but does any one know how to make a flaperon configuration; in normal RC; I just plug one aileron to aileron and second aileron to the aux; here also i tried; do i need to do any changes in the configuration? 

    please. and @bravojul- thanks a lot. 

    • hey! is there a picture that u might have of how ur setup is? I'm having the same issues and not sure how I'm not getting power and or if there is some kinda programing i have to do to the pixhawk?

  • Hi,

    You need to plug a BEC to any of the free servo output of the Pixhawk. Only the RC input is powered by the power module, and it is not meant to power a servo attached to the Rx.

    • Hi, 

      what is a BEC? can i buy it online and do i just connect it; can i connect a normal ni-cd battery to the any free servo outputs ? I have a NiCd that gives me 5-5.5 V. 

      Also I read that 6cell batteries are not suitable for pixhawk; should i buy a attopilot and make a new power module ?

      Also any idea on difference between qgroundcontrol and mission planner; i really don't know. I used qgroundcontrol for calibrating radio, but i need mission planner for simulation; what do i use when i am actually flying? any links please guide me

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