One GPS/Compass for Pixhawk & APM?


Is it possible to connect a 3DR Ublox 6 GPS/Compass to both a 3DR Pixhawk and a 3DR APM 2.6 using GPS and Compass for both controllers?

Like this:

- All GND together (pin 4's)
- All SCL together (pin 3's)
- All SDA together (pin 2's)
- +3.3V (pin 1) from either Pixhawk or APM to Compass

- All GND together (pin 6's and 5 om APM)
- Tx from GPS to both Rx on Pixhawk and APM
- Tx from Pixhawk and APM to Rx on GPS
- Vcc +5V (pin 1) from either Pixhawk or APM to Compass

Or will any signal (SCL/SDA/Tx/Rx) freak out because there are two talking?
3DR said its not a setup to be recommended.


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    • Yes, I got that link from Adam att BEV, but i didnt get exactly how to connect it 100% with that explanation. But I suppose its the same as I suggested.

      I will use the GPS for both APM 2.6 and the Pixhawk. The Compass, only for the APM (since it will fly after WPs).

  • you could share GPS by only attaching it's RX to one controller.

    but you cannot paralell two I2C masters like that.

    • GPS...

      Ok, should I use the RX on the GPS-unit at all?

      TX from GPS -> both controllers RX

      TX from any controller to GPS?


      Ok, will use the compass for one controller only then (APM), guess the Pixhawk would work without Compass?

      Im using this setup for a FireFLY6.

      Pixhawk for hovering and APM for WayPoint-flying.

      • GPS RX is used only for configuration of GPS,  depending on GPS type/config you may not need it.

        What is OpenVTOL ?  :)

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