Hi all!I am having a huge problem. I have a 900 mm hexa (with Pixhawk 2.1 RTK) that have to fly soon. It has six Tiger Motor MN4014-9 400KV. And also six Maytech Multicopter 45A Opto 2-6S SimonK ESCs. In the manual it says Tiger-motors may…
"Problem solved (a while ago). It was the "recommended" parameter-file. And when also reloading APM:Plane and again APM:Copter firmware ("reset and clear") it worked good as long the parameter file wasnt used, even though only a few parameters were…"
"Yes, I got that link from Adam att BEV, but i didnt get exactly how to connect it 100% with that explanation. But I suppose its the same as I suggested.
I will use the GPS for both APM 2.6 and the Pixhawk. The Compass, only for the APM (since it…"
Hi!Is it possible to connect a 3DR Ublox 6 GPS/Compass to both a 3DR Pixhawk and a 3DR APM 2.6 using GPS and Compass for both controllers?Like this:Compass:- All GND together (pin 4's)- All SCL together (pin 3's)- All SDA together (pin 2's)- +3.3V…
"No one knows? No one uses SimonK-ESC's? I really really want to know if all my ESCs do have SimonK firmware. Last 3DR X8-crash could have been initiated by too high cutoff. The previous 3DR-hexacopter-vobble could have been caused by ESCs cutting.…"
I got a bunch of 3DRobotics 20A ESCs.Some of them without any text "SimonK".Some of them with the text "SimonK" but may have been in a bunch that didnt have the SimonK firmware after all (little fail in autumn 2013).Can I listen to the beeps? I…
"Wouldnt the log show when the different flight modes were used? I may have missed it in the thread if the stabilize-mode where even used? Or were there two fails: RC signal loss & Too few satellites? Maybe there wasnt any signal loss because of the…"
"When I hit enter, I recalled that the parameterfile was loaded for the X8 RTF which this 3DRobotics X8 should be.
I realized that there are two of these today.
3DRobotics X8 RTF 2013 (the old one, same as the one Im working with)
3DRobotics X8 RTF…"
"Anyone? Have to fly it soon... :-/
As mentioned above, arming -> good idle speed. But when raising the throttle, nothing happens until 15-20% then it jumps up to a high rpm (without gimal and camera, it takes off)."
I got a problem with a 3DRobotics X8 with APM 2.6 and firmware 3.2.1 with 3DRobotics X8 RTF parameters.When arming, its motors idles up and runs at a comfortable low idle speed, as it should.When raising the throttle, you expect the rpms to raise as…
Hi! (First post)The problem: The octa crashed, the hexa wobbled, logs shows current peaks and I dont know how and why they appear.3DRobotics X8 with 3DRobotics APM 2.6 (fw 3.0.1):In auto mode, it flew against the wind and almost reached a waypoint,…