Operate a Camera Gimbal via USB Joystick

I want to be able to us my USB Joystick as a Gimbal controller. 


Use a Logitech USB joystick connected to my GSC Computer. Use the Mission planner to program it to move the pan and tilt of the gimbal via my xBee Pro telemetry link. I do not want to have the control of my camera linked to my R/C transmitter at all. The R/C transmitter is only for flying the plan only. 

How would one do this. I plan to utilize servo out put 5-6 for the pan and tilt.

Any insight in how to do this would be great. 


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  • buen día,

    dejo en una imagen el reconocimiento del logitech,


  • Hi

    I have the same plan so i would like to know this also :-)



  • I want to know this also, I already have auto-takeoff and land procedure working 100%, i don't use RC anymore.

    I know there is a way, it is enabled in APM mission planner, but only for arducopter code. It would be nice to have it in arduplane also. servo PAN, servo TILT, servo RETRACT. Retract could be initiated by APM mission planner and not joystick.

    You could then also autohide/show sensor in specific altitudes. 

  • Technically, it's pretty simple. You need to read input from the joystick (there are numerous examples on the Internet of interfacing to a joystick with .Net) and then send output to the XBee (a simple UART over USB). The work, on your part, will be to modify Mission Planner and APM firmware to support. You might want to proof-of-concept as a stand alone app and a separate Arduino board.


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