Optical flow sensor and Pixhawk

Hi,Has anyone been able to successfully install and use the OFS&Sonar combo that 3DR sells?I've managed to update the firmware and focus the link using the ground control software but the next step seem to be to change some boot up script and I have now idea how to do that.Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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  • I tried doing an EKF_AID which allows it to integrate the EKF with the readings from the optical flow and the iMU but even though i tried that option, the results were same as D Ohlarik 

  • I tried doing an EKF_AID which allows it to integrate the EKF with the readings from the optical flow and the iMU but even though i tried that option, the results were same as D Ohlarik 

  • I tried doing an EKF_AID which allows it to integrate the EKF with the readings from the optical flow and the iMU but even though i tried that option, the results were same as D Ohlarik 

  • Gonna keep this going... someone has to have an answer...

    I have the 3DR Flow Camera and a Lightwave SF11 rangefinder.   Both are supported in PX4.

    I have Flow on I2C and Lightwave on Serial 4/5.

    In the QGroundcontrol Analyze widget:

    M1:Distance_Sensor: Current_Distance -> shows accurate distance from Laser Rangefinder

    M1:Optical_Flow_Rad:Integrated_x and Integrated_y both show movement when I move the drone around

    For whatever reason, when flying the drone without GPS, and in Position Control, it does not maintain x,y, or z.  When I have GPS enabled, it does.

    It just seems like the drone ignores these inputs.  I have it in LPE mode, and Lightwave Enabled.

    What am I missing???


  • Hi All,

    Re the Lidar Lite response from Chris on another Blog:

    Garmin bought Lidar Lite and has discontinued it, from everything I can tell there will be no new V3 model or any other for that matter.

    There are other laser based altitude sensors listed in the ArduPilot documentation.


    The Terraranger one is close to the same price as the Lidar Lite,

    But the Flightware rangefinders are all professional quality and work at much greater altitudes.

    Researching the Arducopter modes information in the documentation might help as well as this base document:


    The above page does indicate how to enable and use optical flow.

    Best Regards,


    Rangefinders (landing page) — Copter documentation
  • hello D Ohlarik,

    even i was wondering the same ,

    how to setup pixflow with pixhawk.

    did u had any success in doing so.

    please let me know if you have any

    Thank you



    D Ohlarik said:

    I have been looking into this for quite a while but no luck.  I have seen this same question posed a million times on the net, but no one seems to have an answer that is clear.  There are also many YouTube videos of successful indoor / no GPS position hold, and there are tons of comments asking HOW to make this work, but never an answer.  It is perplexing.  We are going to look into the source code.

    If I have GPS lock, I can 'assume' that optical flow is also helping out.  But if I do not have GPS lock, I will get an Error when switching to Position Hold mode.  I noticed that all the demos seem to have the Lidar-Lite attached.  So I feel like the optical Flow is not enough, that you need altitude control as well, or else Position Hold mode will be rejected.  I also assume then that the sonar on the PX4FLOW is not being used or has been deemed insufficient to allow Position Hold.

    The Lidar Lite module is no longer produced, and the V3 version is scheduled for 'summer'.  So I don't have access to one to try out.

    Can anyone confirm any of this?  Simply connecting a PX4FLOW to I2C on Pixhawk and updating both Pixhawk and FLOW firmware does not seem to work indoors with no GPS.  Is there a mystery setting?

    SOMEONE please help out a lot of people!  Thanks!

    hello D Ohlarik,

    even i was wondering the same ,

    how to setup pixflow with pixhawk.

    did u had any success in doing so.

    please let me know if you have any

    Thank you



  • I have been looking into this for quite a while but no luck.  I have seen this same question posed a million times on the net, but no one seems to have an answer that is clear.  There are also many YouTube videos of successful indoor / no GPS position hold, and there are tons of comments asking HOW to make this work, but never an answer.  It is perplexing.  We are going to look into the source code.

    If I have GPS lock, I can 'assume' that optical flow is also helping out.  But if I do not have GPS lock, I will get an Error when switching to Position Hold mode.  I noticed that all the demos seem to have the Lidar-Lite attached.  So I feel like the optical Flow is not enough, that you need altitude control as well, or else Position Hold mode will be rejected.  I also assume then that the sonar on the PX4FLOW is not being used or has been deemed insufficient to allow Position Hold.

    The Lidar Lite module is no longer produced, and the V3 version is scheduled for 'summer'.  So I don't have access to one to try out.

    Can anyone confirm any of this?  Simply connecting a PX4FLOW to I2C on Pixhawk and updating both Pixhawk and FLOW firmware does not seem to work indoors with no GPS.  Is there a mystery setting?

    SOMEONE please help out a lot of people!  Thanks!

  • I also have the PX4 Optical Flow Camera, Pixhawk, and PX4 software.  I can't find any resource to let me know how to get it to function.  It all lights up, using the I2C cable to pixhawk, but it clearly is not functioning as intended.  Therefore, I think there is some config item I need to set, or code I need to compile in... not sure.

    There is no info I can find on the net surprisingly.  

  • Thanks Gary,

    I read this section before I bought it and assumed that I would be able to work out what it meant once I had the sensor and the Pixhawk:
    Pixhawk Setup
    Upload firmware to PX4Flow
    Connect PX4Flow UART3 to any available serial on the Pixhawk
    In the ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d directory, add the line “mavlink_onboard start -d /dev/ttyXX -b 115200” to the appropriate file
    Replace the “XX” with the serial port used. Found here.
    Upload edited firmware to Pixhawk@

    Needless to say I haven't been able to translate it to n00b speak yet.
    Does it make more sense to you?
    • The PX4Flow site have instructions for how to hook it up to a Pixhawk.

      But the instructions are written for people who have a deeper level of Pixhawk knowledge than the myself.

      Can someone explain how I can get to the file that needs to be edited??



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