Overcoming Headwinds

I'm flying a Skywalker that can easily handle 15mph winds... and yet this morning with ~2-3mph winds, the plane makes it out to waypoint one and turns back only to sit there in the air hovering.Airspeed Cruise is 16 m/sThrottle Cruise 55Throttle Min 0Throttle Max 100FBW min 6FBW max 22Even pushing full throttle when AUTO is engaged (for nudging) isn't the same as when I'm in manual mode with full throttle (more power!).Any ideas?

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  • Moderator
    What happens if you set the throttle settings back to defaults?
  • Developer
    Also on second thought I'd say that probably your biggest improvement will be from properly tuning the combination of throttle_cruise, and your P and I gains for the airspeed to pitch and energy to throttle loops.  If FBW_max is 22 m/s but you are poorly tuned I can see your top airspeed in Auto being little more than 16 m/s and then you will be hovering in a stiff breeze at altitude.
  • Developer
    Increase FBW_max.  Even with nudging the airspeed is limited to that value, and as Greg mentioned the wind speed at a couple hundred feet can be significantly more than on the ground.
  • The at your planes altitude can be a lot more than on the ground. Obviosly your Skywalker isn't going to hover in a 2-3 mph wind.
  • Note: I also disabled my airspeed sensor after having these problems in hopes that it might fix the issue... It appears that it's helped a tiny bit... but I'm cruising at 30mph normally (tailwind, perpendicular) and <10mph into headwind.
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