Overheating ESC


looking for some help on an issue I have on a new build copter, it  is a Hex 800 with Pixhawk Autopilot.

I have Mystery 5010 750kv motors 15 inch tarot blades, with Red Brick 30a ESC, pretty straight forward setup, 5000 30-45c 3cell lipo,

all went together great, all calibrated ok, took it for a test flight only couple foot of the ground to check for any issues, first noticed the lipo had dropped considerable voltage in the first 30 seconds, changed lipo and exactly the same thing happed but a ESC let go.

I noticed all the ESC's were very hot but I can not work it out, it had no weight on it so no stress, it took off with 5% throttle so I was not driving it.

Anyone have any idea what I may have done wrong

Many Thanks

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  • that prop is waaaaay to big...biggest  for that motor would be 12-13 inch and with 40A esc

    do some basic calculations first


    I would buy 5010 390KV motor with 17 inch props on 4S and get very long flight time if your multi is under 2kg with batts....30min+

    • Thanks Guys

      I have 6 HL W51 34 350kv motors with sec's but they only take 6cell batteries and I have 3c + 4c but limited money. 

      Im trying to way up my best, but cost effective solution until I get some more cash, I just obtained my BNUC-s UAS license and it took all my money.

      really appreciate the help, thanks again.

      • No,HengLee motors you have are perfect candidate to swing 18 or 20 inch prop on 4 S batt..a bit heavy they are but will be ok..6-kg hexacopter should fly that way longer than 15 inch on 6S...buy just one big 18 and 20 prop and do some motor testing on 4s

        You also have to learn how to input correct values into Ecalculator from post above for motors that are not listed and that will be acurrata as much is possible without real testing

  • Thanks Thomas, some real good info for me,, I will look at getting some better sec's, I have a 4c battery I can try, here is a spec of the motor if it helps, in case theres anything else you think I may have an issue will.

    No problem if you haven't got the time.

    http://mystery.en.alibaba.com/product/1223370064-220411551/Mystery_... again

    Thanks again

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