Overlays in MP?

Any possibility in the near future of setting up overlays/placing icons on the map in mission planner? I am interested in property borders and locations of interest. Would be nice if I could use my own images from saved files, change the opacity and color, label them and import, as well as be able to pick some basics from MP!

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  • I have a github request that is roughly similar to your request. https://github.com/diydrones/MissionPlanner/issues/336
    In the meantime you can set up the area in Google Earth and import the KMZ overlay into MP. That's a relative new feature.
  • John, great info! I will have a very narrow flight corridor as I will have to steer clear of a nearby airport, prison, and intl border. About 10-12 miles to each.
  • It would be very helpful...looking to keep an eye on 125 acres of ranch land, with tresspass issues
    • Then you may find something useful here, here or here. Like for most everyone else who is interested in civilian drone systems, some reading and sorting is involved...

  • Michael, this is a great idea. Related concepts have been outlined here and here. There may be something in the works to enhance Mission Planner, APM Planner 2, DroidPlanner, etc. Some of the developers may be going further to develop several aspects of "sense and avoid" system (UAS) capability, some of which may be ground station based, with some provided in the UAV. And then there are the choices that the operator makes before and during each flight, and how those choices are informed by the best available data. For exampe, wind conditions, and current visibility of GPS satellites.

  • +1.

    Would be interesting to see if this is possible. Post processing is probably easier in QGIs, but I think the information in itself can help significantly in preparations for flight planning.

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