"John, great info! I will have a very narrow flight corridor as I will have to steer clear of a nearby airport, prison, and intl border. About 10-12 miles to each."
Any possibility in the near future of setting up overlays/placing icons on the map in mission planner? I am interested in property borders and locations of interest. Would be nice if I could use my own images from saved files, change the opacity and…
"That is amazing! Perfect for clubs or groups running multiple airframes. My questions are:
Can it be relayed to a bigger screen?
What kind of area can it cover...just a LOS flying field or further out?
Total # of airframes it can track?
"I know how you feel. I was doing some testing on a glow powered plane and had a thick, sharp prop go through my left pinky and ring. Dead of winter in korea with no doctors at the clinic. Poor Korean doctor had to trudge through the worst snow in…"
" Thanks for posting! The checklist alone is helpful for safety reasons but the flight was awesome! Mind posting your PIDs and throttle settings for those of us with the Mugin airframe? Think the Mugin could handle taxi missions at 5m/s?"
"My posts above concern the Mugin (old style). If anyone has specs on the new style I would appreciate it greatly. The space looks plenty adequate to fit a great multitude of gizmos and gadgets and has an almost unmatched take-off weight for its…"
"I think Wanabigaplane would be a good reference on this as he uses the plane and is in a pretty well established group of flyers in Australia. Great performer as a plane. lots of space, though creativity is required to fit the recommended 1 gal of…"
"I was looking for the same info before. Thank you Wanabigaplane for measuring!
At 12:34am on February 8, 2012, Wanabigaplanesaid…
The internals of the fuselage are 930 x 190 deep, 210 wide. A 21 x 24 longeron projects into this space at each…"