My posts above concern the Mugin (old style). If anyone has specs on the new style I would appreciate it greatly. The space looks plenty adequate to fit a great multitude of gizmos and gadgets and has an almost unmatched take-off weight for its price. Just make sure you have enough runway and remember no brakes!!!
I think Wanabigaplane would be a good reference on this as he uses the plane and is in a pretty well established group of flyers in Australia. Great performer as a plane. lots of space, though creativity is required to fit the recommended 1 gal of fuel. I would be interested in seeing/hearing anyone else's 1 gallon storage ideas for the interior of this plane.
The internals of the fuselage are 930 x 190 deep, 210 wide. A 21 x 24 longeron projects into this space at each corner. The rear bay is 320 long with the wing spar tubes projecting 44 down into the space.
The middle bay is 320 long with a radio box projecting 85 down onto it.
Assuming the 6" and 7" sides make up the two sides of the right triangle, your tank will not quite fit under the wing spar tubes at the centre of gravity.
In the picture above you can see 4.5 Kg of battery at the front - this was installed just to balance the plane with minimal equipment.
Has anyone had much experience with this aircraft. We are looking at putting together a university team for the outback challenge and at the moment this could be the airframe.
What is the depth of this "bay" ? Am I correct in assuming that the fuselage is square and therfore 22cm deep? So if the Bay was not deep enough I could cut out the bottom of it because from the photos it looks like it contains a false floor.
I'm interested in this aircraft , but I need some more info. I have tried emailing fpv flying at gmail but no response.
I need to know the internal fuselage dimensions so I can check whether we can fit a box of tricks within it.
Does the undercarriage come with this aircraft?
Also on the fpvflying site it is unclear whether the engine is included.
Are there servo mounts in the wings, for standard size servos? Are you running the pushrods up through the tail booms or are the rudder servos mounted in the fins.
I am also interested in the smaller Hugin, and have the same set of questions !
Lots of questions, and the fpy flying site does not answer them , :)
My posts above concern the Mugin (old style). If anyone has specs on the new style I would appreciate it greatly. The space looks plenty adequate to fit a great multitude of gizmos and gadgets and has an almost unmatched take-off weight for its price. Just make sure you have enough runway and remember no brakes!!!
I think Wanabigaplane would be a good reference on this as he uses the plane and is in a pretty well established group of flyers in Australia. Great performer as a plane. lots of space, though creativity is required to fit the recommended 1 gal of fuel. I would be interested in seeing/hearing anyone else's 1 gallon storage ideas for the interior of this plane.
I was looking for the same info before. Thank you Wanabigaplane for measuring!
At 12:34am on February 8, 2012,
The internals of the fuselage are 930 x 190 deep, 210 wide. A 21 x 24 longeron projects into this space at each corner. The rear bay is 320 long with the wing spar tubes projecting 44 down into the space.
The middle bay is 320 long with a radio box projecting 85 down onto it.
Assuming the 6" and 7" sides make up the two sides of the right triangle, your tank will not quite fit under the wing spar tubes at the centre of gravity.
In the picture above you can see 4.5 Kg of battery at the front - this was installed just to balance the plane with minimal equipment.
Does anyone know if there are spare parts available for this aircraft. Ive been to the website where they sell it and I dont see anything listed.
Thanks All
Ask Jesus from Spain. He got the platform for project.
Has anyone had much experience with this aircraft. We are looking at putting together a university team for the outback challenge and at the moment this could be the airframe.
Thankyou Hooks, that is very helpful.
What is the depth of this "bay" ? Am I correct in assuming that the fuselage is square and therfore 22cm deep? So if the Bay was not deep enough I could cut out the bottom of it because from the photos it looks like it contains a false floor.
The platform comes with this engine + prop
Type: Two-stroke piston valve petrol aircraft engine
Displacement: 55cc(27.2ccx2)
Bore x Stroke: 34mm×30mm
Carburettor: Walbro(Diaphragm & Butterfly Valve)
Max. Output: 5.6ps/7600rpm
RPM Range: 1600-7800rpm
Weight: About 1780g(Engine+muffler+CDI)
Ignition power: Auto advanced CDI(DC 4.8 Volts , 4 cell NiCad or NiMh battery)
Fuel mixture(Ratio of gasoline and oil): 25-40 : 1
Propeller: 20X12-23X8 two-blade prop( suggest to use 22x8 prop)
I'm interested in this aircraft , but I need some more info. I have tried emailing fpv flying at gmail but no response.
I need to know the internal fuselage dimensions so I can check whether we can fit a box of tricks within it.
Does the undercarriage come with this aircraft?
Also on the fpvflying site it is unclear whether the engine is included.
Are there servo mounts in the wings, for standard size servos? Are you running the pushrods up through the tail booms or are the rudder servos mounted in the fins.
I am also interested in the smaller Hugin, and have the same set of questions !
Lots of questions, and the fpy flying site does not answer them , :)