Payload Questions

Hello All -

I have a question about payload. 

A collaborator and I are looking to build a drone with ~3000 dollars.

We want to attach a programmable LED panel on the bottom that can be read from the ground when flying at a height b/n 25 and 75 feet.

Does any soft/hardware exist for this type of project already?

And what are some of the different payloads on already-existing drone platforms?

Thanks - 

Sean Estelle

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  • For a bit of lifting and the possibility of MAYBE surviving a motor or esc death , a octo might be your best bet.

    Theoretically you can loose one motor and still fly her. It's been tested and works but .........

    My Octo uses 2826 1000kv motors and 10x 4.5 props to fly an AP platform. Lifting up to 4lbs.  Super stable and predictable.

    It was on a Multiwii and will be using the APM2 as of tomorrow due to the GPS and ground station link it has. You could home brew one of these on the cheap being your not planning on a camera gimble under it that runs up the cost.

    Just some thoughts.


  • "Eat at Joes"   :)

  • this is a super rough sketch from the artist I'm working with. Any thoughts on what platforms would work better than others?


  • How much weight we talking about ?

    My octo lifts 4 lbs at the moment.

  • I don't think anything like that exists - it would have to be a custom build by yourself or maybe someone would be willing to take it on. Sounds like blimp may actually be the best platform for this actually.. my gut feeling is that it would be hard to size an LED panel to be readable on a plane flying slow enough to read it.

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