PID Settings

Hi! I haven't tried the new code for the Arducopter. I was wondering what are the PID values that are already tested and are ready for flying? Also, how do you get the PID settings of the Heli? Is it by trial and error with the given parameters or do we have a formula for it?

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  • PID is pretty much trial and error but since you have the same heli size as Randy then use his default PIDs it would really be a good baseline as suggested. In the long run you guys will have to tweak it a bit and Jason's guide is quite useful. Also it will be a good learning curve to play around so in future you can adjust them as you like. But be cautious as improper modification can cause crash sometimes violent behavior on the heli as seen on your previous test.

  • I got the 66 version, There is only P and I.

    Where is the D?

  • All the PID default values come already with loaded code from the Mission Planner. These provide a good place to start.
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