Pitot tube design

I'm getting a very noisy speed measurement (unusable noisy...). I suspect the pitot tube for being responsible.
I am using DIYdrones pitot tube. the silicon tube is about 40 cm (a little more the a foot) and the metal pipe is located at the wings leading edge, and barely sticks out of it.

am I doing somthing wrong? is the silicon line to long?


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  • Moderator
    IKE is right, the pitot does need to be out of the boundary layer, it also needs to be secure. If it wobbles you will have issues.

    At what AOA do you have noise? That will be a clue.
  • You are saying "barely sticks out of it" maybe that is your problem. The pitot tube is inside the boundary layer and the turbulence creates the noise. Try having the tube protruding a little more outside the leading edge, in order to measure the free air stream.
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