
I´m a big fan of Arducopter and have flown for many years now without any other issues than a broken RC receiver and a power isue but I really need some help now!

I have a Foxtech D-130 X8 that i have flewn for some months now and was going to test some Auto Missions today for the first time. 

Takeoff in Stabilize mode and switched to Auto. D-130 started climbout ok to first wp but suddenly it got crazy max bank and started to fly away...

Switched to land...still crazy...with full right roll command it leveled out switched in panic between auto and stabilize and finally got control over the big bird that now had become quite small...

Managed to fly home in stabilize and land. Almost heart attack...I had this error once before and did not find the cause then and having made many flights since then. Also disabled the AHRS_EKF_USE in MP Config file after the previous incident.

Notice that the vibration levels have rised as soon as i switched to auto and when getting control in last part of the flight the levels where lower again. But during EKF error vibration levels went crazy...

I run ver 3.2.1



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  • Does your RTL work? 

    Check your compass alignment and calibration. I have seen this exact issue before and it wound up being that.

    Also, check your NAV speed limits. Could be too strong.

    • Thanks! But I have tested to make a new setup/and calibration with arduplane and and the gyro is still tilting now and then.. So it is a faulty pixhawk.

  • I now know the reason for this... FAKE PIXHAWK FROM Ebay !!!

    Have done some bench testing.

    The gyros in this Pixhawk is tilting 20 Degrees in roll now and then!!
    The Pixhawk is a fake I baught from Ebay....I baught it as a 2real 3Dr2. Looks excactly as a real 3Dr with logo and all but i did not get any 3dr box...  Should have put it in the bin right away...

    Now i have a Real 3Dr Pixhawk and looking forward to many problem free flights.

    Regards Ronny Grimm

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