
Long story short, I've been going through a few Graupner voltage telemetry sensors so it was suggested that my voltage regulator may be causing the faults so I went about swapping them over and retaining my existing vr for redundancy (proposed to be for Px and rx). I didn't get that far as it happens, please see the diagram below for my set up as of this evening.

I decided to have a short flight in the garden to get a log to see what voltage the Graupner vr was putting out, connected the flight lipo, Pixhawk fired up, didn't arm her yet, plugged the voltage sensor into the lipo balance plug (definitely not reversed) and instantly the tx reported low rx voltage and signal (no light on rx) and the Pixhawk gave a series of tones and half the lights went out.

Disconnected the sensor lead from the rx, plugged the flight lipo back in and this is what I'm getting now:


I also can't connect to MP any more, the error code mentions no heartbeat packets received.

These are my threads on the APM forum describing the sequence leading up to this what appears to be an almighty failure:




Other than "find another hobby stupid" does anybody know what this sequence of tones signifies and whether it's salvageable?

She's been flying really well lately so I'm gutted about this..


Thanks in advance..



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                  • I've used a double USB cable that has put some life back in her, now shows the green led solid, orange flashing, tried uploading plane 3.1.1, bar gets half way then stops and reports lost comms with the board, error uploading firmware. Won't connect in MP.

                • Yes Craig, the two green lights flash rapidly plus there's a clicking sound..

              • No sign in device manager Craig..

                I've now checked the voltage at RCIN and it's showing 0.67v which I presume means that the board is damaged.

                What I would like to understand is how this came to be if that's possible..

                I've attached the wiring diagram as it was when it all went pear shaped.

                Graupner suspect that there may be a differential on the ground plane but past that, there was a whoosh sound as it rapidly disappeared over my head.


              • I remember the drivers being installed when installing MP Craig but I'm in bed now, got to be up in 5.5 hours for work, will check after work later today.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQkoOEMgM0w&list=UUPcCCiqkWYZmv...

    Same problem in this video too.

    Very possible your io board damaged.


    "Hi Marco,

    What receiver do you have connected, and to what port? Is there anything
    else connected to the receiver?

    One weak point I found a couple of months ago on the Pixhawk is that if
    you connect a receiver to RCIN and the receiver draws too much current
    it can damage the IO board. In my case I had a single servo connected
    onto the receiver. That means the servo was powered from the receiver,
    which was in turn powered off RCIN. That caused too much current to be
    drawn from RCIN and it killed the board.

    Cheers, Tridge"

    • Thanks Xian06.

      All I effectively did was to replace a voltage regulator that was supplying at 5.15v for a new Graupner vr that supplies at 5.5v and the IO board blew, how bizarre (and expensive). I wonder if anything else suffered along the way, hopefully not..

      Now, where's my credit card? :o(

  • Admin


    Based on the Pixhawk led pattern in the video, it looks like the I/O section of the Pixhawk has become non-functional.

    You might try powering the Pixhawk up while holding down the arming switch and see if attempting to reload the I/O firmware helps get the I/O functioning again. If that does not work, I would contact 3DRobotics for some troubleshooting suggestions.



    • Hi Thomas,

      No go with holding the arming switch in but thanks for the suggestion.

      I've emailed Roger @ 3DR, fingers crossed..



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