I have a quad I have been building, and have an issue. I had a problem with pixhawk where every time I would use Ele or Ail (props off) for more than about 3 seconds, the whole thing just beeps and shuts down.I then have to re-arm (throttle stick down, left, not needing to re-push the button). I tried using the arducopter 3.3 forum and cannot get an answer, so I came here. I have since replaced both the power module/cable, and the pixhawk itself. Running no external accessories, and i am getting the exact same issue again! I have spent hours and hours trying to troubleshoot this and scoured the internet trying to find an answer. I don't understand what I am doing wrong here, or why this is so difficult. I have build many drones using NAZA, CC3d, ect and never had the issues or trouble with setup as I am the pixhawk. Can anyone shed some light as to whats going on here?
Do they show anything?
More BIN files
2 12-31-1999 6-04-22 PM.bin
3 12-31-1999 6-03-12 PM.bin
4 12-31-1999 6-03-50 PM.bin
Here is the BIN file, when I try to Run the "analyze log" button, it just ends up with "bad input file.
1 12-31-1999 7-08-48 PM.bin
Start here
then upload the .bin or .log here and we can take a look see.
What do the logs say?
unless you throttle up it will auto shut down after about 3 seconds. This is normal and is by design.
Make sure you are throttling up at least 20% or else it will disarm after a few seconds even if you are messing with pitch and roll