
PixRacer with Ardupilot

This is a discussion to focus the feedback and support of ardupilot on the PixRacer board from

We believe that all teething problems encountered are now resolved and so we recommend people load Copter-3.3.4 which is available for all multicopters through the Mission Planner's (and other GCS's) Install Firmware screens.  Note that because regular Pixhawks are still on Copter-3.3.3 the install icon may show Copter-3.3.3 but rest assured, Copter-3.3.4 will be installed (you can check the version by looking at the very top of the Mission Planner).


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  • Hi,

    Just finished soldering my new ACSP5 :) Its small size is impressive. I still need to fine tune the calibration values, these are the current:

    Voltage divider (BATT_VOLT_MULT): 13,68352

    Amps per volt (BATT_AMP_PERVOLT): 31 - for this im in a bit of trouble getting a stable current to measure.

    Do you maybe have better values for the same setup (4S)? Is this a right question, or there will be a higher variance, than i could measure at home with a simple battery current meter + my speed of entering values on MP...

    About the vibration issues i have/had: even after balancing both motors and props, i got high vibration. It turned out the lock nuts are causing it, and as they change position, i loose balance. These are simple cw/ccw metal nuts. i had another, cone shape from the previous build, those aren't vibrating.

    With ACSP5, I still have VCC under 5V, around 4.95-4.98, some peeks 4.88, but has mutch less noise in it (old was 4.86-4.95, many peeks at 4.8). This was measured by PixRacer, I have no reliable measuring device.

  • Please update your Taranis firmware to the latest version (2.1.8) After that is easy and many YouTube videos explaining.

    FRANZ said:


    Can someone explain to me how the settings of the Taranis x9d (not plus) must be to receive telemetry data from the Pixracer via the receiver x8d with smartport

    Firmware from Taranis is v1.1.02 from 2013-10-18

    The best would be a photo


    From Austria

  • Hallo

    Can someone explain to me how the settings of the Taranis x9d (not plus) must be to receive telemetry data from the Pixracer via the receiver x8d with smartport

    Firmware from Taranis is v1.1.02 from 2013-10-18

    The best would be a photo


    From Austria

  • Hallo

    Can someone explain to me how the settings of the Taranis x9d (not plus) must be to receive telemetry data from the Pixracer via the receiver x8d with smartport

    Firmware from Taranis is v1.1.02 from 2013-10-18

    The best would be a photo


    From Austria

  • Ok, I think I may have found the problem. I looked at the signal coming from the D4R-II to the Pixracer when power by the USB port vs battery power through the ACSP4. The USB wave was pretty clean but when powered through the ACSP4, not so much. This was without the motors running. I ordered a ACSP5 the other day suspecting that it might be power.



  • @Otto Kung,

    I don't have a scope to check the signal voltage. Been thinking about getting a little portable one and I may have to do that. I was wondering if it could be a power issue, but the setup is pretty simple and the Pixracer is always logging vcc above 5.0v.

    I removed the Wlan module and have no other 2.4Ghz signal on the craft (no Gopro). It doesn't seem to be interference between the Tx & Rx, since I am not getting a low ch3 indication of RC loss but rather a timeout on the frame updates. I tried to dig deeper into the code, but I lose the trail when it goes into the HAL.

  • @Rod Davis,

    - Can you check the S-Bus Signal with a Scope? The Signal high should have around 3V.

    - Perhaps an interfearing with the AUAV WLan Modul and TX. eg. it was recommended to switch of the wireless connection of   the Gopro.

    Or both together.

  • Thanks for this, reminded me to balance my props/motors. Waay better now. Still a bit noisy at vcc, but helped a lot. So first of all, (re)balance. : )

    Rod Davis said:

    @Otto, yes, I don't like the Vib X values. It's not clipping but they are too high. I did a semi-hard mount with bobbins to see what it would do, but I'm going to have to rethink the dampening.

    Also, I know the tuning is off. Where's some oscillation in the pitch axis but it's flyable. Vibs probably aren't helping. I need to fix the radio issue though before I do much more with it.

  • I'm using the old D.Port telemetry (D4R-II) but S.Port should work the same way. You need the FrSky S.Port cable from AUAV. It plugs into the top connector on the right side next to the Wifi connector. You then set SERIAL4_PROTOCOL = 4. I have SERIAL4_BAUD = 9. Not sure if it's the same for S.Port.

  • Hallo
    Can someone explain how i can get Telemetrie Data from my pixracer to my taranis x9d. Modul x8r
    Firmware ardupilot 3.3.4,
    Groundstation.. Missionplanner
    Thank you
This reply was deleted.


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