
PixRacer with Ardupilot

This is a discussion to focus the feedback and support of ardupilot on the PixRacer board from

We believe that all teething problems encountered are now resolved and so we recommend people load Copter-3.3.4 which is available for all multicopters through the Mission Planner's (and other GCS's) Install Firmware screens.  Note that because regular Pixhawks are still on Copter-3.3.3 the install icon may show Copter-3.3.3 but rest assured, Copter-3.3.4 will be installed (you can check the version by looking at the very top of the Mission Planner).


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            • Here's what I did with mine. The base plate is made from PCB material and is grounded for a second ground plate. For the cover I made a simple wooden mold and heat formed some plastic cut from an old black waste basket. The post is some 6mm carbon fiber tube with the wire running inside.


              • nice solution to retain the canopy, stock tarot way is way too easy to loose mid-flight. I actually substituted the rear tarot column for a regular aluminum standoff and use a plastic screw to secure the canopy. 

                I've actually have great experience with lea6h  gps/compasses from RTFQ.  for half the price of a the CSG m8n I never saw difference in performance, especially when used with 1.2ghz vtx. 

                cheap m8n can be used too when glonass is disabled and refresh rate set to 5hz, but they are more sensitive to noise so no 1.2vtx near those.

                I have one on 7kg hexa routinely flying missions every weekend sometimes midweek. 

                • I don't have trouble with the front grommets but the back one came off with any speed. It's a small hole drilled in the post and a retainer wire. Works great. After a couple of cheap lea6's got flaky I bought the CSG unit with the 35mm patch before any other M8n's were available and this setup has worked flawlessly. 

                  • Have you fitted the rubber grommet things actually 'in' the case, as in into hole so it sits above and below the casing?  I think I had to enlargen the holes very slightly with a drill to get them in but once I did the canopy has never come off since, even at high speed.

              • nice job. Looks like a good candidate for 3D printing too.

                • Thank you and, yes, a 3D printer would be ideal.

            • Aesthetics wise I agree with you. They do come in nice cases. I ordered this GPS module. I'm putting it on top of a RoboCat and will 3d print a base mount for it. Its a bit large for the Cat but I wanted a larger unit for when I go to a 450 or larger frame. 

  • A few pics of our pixracer build:

    EMAX nighthawk (previously had a CC3D)

    FLVSS and craft and theory telemetry from battery and telem1 to Taranis

    alceOSD connected to telem2


    Mobius (power only since it has super capacitor).


    FrSky XSR using S.Port for telem.

    Pleased with placement of safety switch, buzzer and GPS/compass. Could have done better with color co-ordinating and getting pixracer with a working USB :). Also FPV cam a little exposed to damage.

    Todo: foam over baro, and will shorten posts to fit wifi module when I receive replacement PixRacer. Connect C&T telem cable to FLVSS.

    Nextup: going to install a pixRacer on an EpiQuad 210 with 4 in 1 ESC and alceOSD. It's gonna be tight :)

    Pixracer -EMAX nighthawk -LHS close.JPG

    Pixracer -EMAX nighthawk -RHS.JPG
  • Just as an experiment you could try QGround Control and the PX4 flight stack and see if that works better.  I believe all the features of that flight stack support the Pixracer.

    3.4 dev is not about supporting the Pixracer.  It's about terrain following in auto mode and a few other enhancements.

    • OK so 3.3.4 is FW I should be focused on then, and I haven't been for the last 3 hours :-|

      Thanks for the tips. Will try again tomorrow. That's me done for a late Saturday night.

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