Hi all,

I got my APM with 1.02 software tuned and functioning properly.

Yesterday I tested airspeed sensor board (700 series) in light wind.

added #define AIRSPEED_SENSOR ENABLED in APM_Config.h

did reset and setup radio/modes.

t appears to work fine in test->airspeed mode, varies when i tap on the tube or blow in it.

However, when I flip to AUTO mode in flight my skywalker takes a 90 degree dive straight to ground.

Had to switch to manual and recover. Tried it multiple times - same result.

Added  #define AIRSPEED_RATIO      1.9936 - same result.

Disabled the sensor - everything works perfectly.


Any help appreciated






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  • Developer

    Are you using telemetry or logging.  It would be very helpful if you had info on what the airspeed is reading in flight.

  • 3D Robotics
    Are you sure you've got the tubes in the right inputs of the sensor? I think active goes on top.
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