Hi everybodyyyy…..
More alt/hold questions. I have quadcopter with APM2.5 running 2.91
Here 2 graphs 1 with moon gel 1 without .
This is with moon gel
This without
Does the graph with moon gel look OK ?
And if it does look ok can someone help me with the Barometer test in APM.
When I run it ,lots of number fill the screen and the test seems never to finish ?
Is that right ? and if so how do I know if the results are good ?
Lastly (for now) with the moon gel fitted to the APM2.5 the quadcopter when in ALT/HOLD
Slowly rises . Where do I look next to fix it ..
Cheers darren
the graphs you are all posting - is this of hovering? or actually flying around?
Hello Darren,
On the graph with moon gel, we do not see the scale. Can you zoom so we see the exact deviation of the accelZ ?
A good anti vibration system makes max plus or minus 2/10 of a G (a graduation is 1/10th of a G).
Your graph seems to be bigger deviations.
The best system has been tested many times : first a suspended plate (o-rings), then the APM with moon gel (or ear plugs) at each corner on this suspended plate. I reach in flight with unbalanced props max acceZ of plus or minus 1.5.