Please check out my graphs ....Moon gel

Hi everybodyyyy…..

More alt/hold questions. I have quadcopter with APM2.5 running 2.91

Here 2 graphs 1 with moon gel 1 without .

This is with moon gel



This without



Does the graph with moon gel  look OK ?

And if it does  look ok can someone help me with the Barometer test in APM.

When I run it ,lots of number fill the screen and the test seems never to finish  ?

Is that right ? and if so how do I know if the results are good ?

Lastly (for  now)  with the moon gel fitted to the APM2.5  the quadcopter  when in ALT/HOLD

Slowly rises  . Where do I look next to fix it ..

Cheers darren



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  • the graphs you are all posting - is this of hovering? or actually flying around?

  • T3
    You moon gel looks good. If your copter climbs when in alt hold, you need to set THR_MID to match your hover position on your throttle. Keep in mind the default is set at 50% and there is a deadband space about +- 10%.
  • MR60

    Hello Darren,

    On the graph with moon gel, we do not see the scale. Can you zoom so we see the exact deviation of the accelZ ?

    A good anti vibration system makes max plus or minus 2/10 of a G (a graduation is 1/10th of a G).

    Your graph seems to be bigger deviations.

    The best system has been tested many times : first a suspended plate (o-rings), then the APM with moon gel (or ear plugs) at each corner on this suspended plate. I reach in flight with unbalanced props max acceZ of plus or minus 1.5.

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