I'm evaluating different algorithms for use in the autopilot hardware and have stumbled across the DCM algorithm, which looks very promising. So far I've tried complementary and kalman filters and was hoping to give the DCM a go. Looking at the source, it's heavily using the microchip's dsp library. Since I'm using 32bit atmel micro and float instead of, what I assume is fixed point, how straight forward is the conversion? Has anyone done it?
Reading the pdf white paper, it mentions there's going to be another paper that's focusing on implementation. Is it out yet?
My goal is to have a single unit that can handle both fixed and moving wing design. So far, my hardware is 6dof (gyro and acc), and I'm about to add the 3d compass. This is running on 32 bit atmel at 66MHz. I would also like to eventually add dual barometers and the sonar.
Suggestions, pointers and comments are greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
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This is the DCM ported to Arduino by Jordi and Bill.