Power: Deans Vs XT60 Connectors



I have been an RC heli pilot for ever, well it feels like it anyway. When I got
my first electric, think it was an Ikarus Eco 8, which at the time was a marvel
in its own right. The battery connector standard back then was the good ol
deans plug. There were no real alternative plugs besides that grotty Tamiya
plug, I know you guys know the one I mean, that white plastic plug that were
mostly used for RC Cars. Anyway with that as the only alternative, we embarrassed
the deans connector and felt shoot down proof. It was like wearing a deans
connectors, you can't shoot me down, bugger off bad battery connections, type
proof jacket.


Now I do believe that the deans connectors in the old days were built a little
better, maybe a different more springy metal, perhaps a more forgiving plastic.
I do not believe anyone will know for sure, but the long of the short of it is
that I started getting bad luck with the deans connectors.


Power problems during flight or plugging a battery into a charger and the charger
telling me that there was no battery connector. The fix was easy, but
irritating none the less since whatever your investment was, relied on the fact
that your battery connection.... well.... stayed bloody connected. (There were
two fixes, either tin the entire connector or bend the springy arm out a
little, and then of course, well hope it stays connected).


Moving on.


Reading about the XT60 connector on this forum, thank you DIY, I went ahead and ordered
20 Sets. I have a lot of stuff using deans connectors. (SORRY, HAD a lot of stuff). I
will never, repeat NEVER!, go back to Deans connectors again and this is


1.  XT60 Solders better than Deans

2.  XT60 Looks tidier once heat shrink is applied

3.  XT60 Feels connected when you push the plugs together

4.  XT60 Provides little nodules for your thumb and forefinger to pull the plugs apart.

5.  XT60 Does not require you to tug on the wires because of Point 5

6.  XT60 Finds its own way together because of its shape... you don’t have to see the plugs to plug them in.

7.  XT60 makes better internal contact, less resistance and therefore less V drop.


I am pretty sure I could carry on that list for a while, but now that my batteries have charged, it’s time for me to stop my rambling and its time to test fly 2.0.45 loaded through APM 10 minutes ago.


Be well.



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  • 100KM
    Good points. Since I lost my entire auv I might as well start off again with the better connectors!
  • Moderator
    Thanks for that @James.
    Being an old Deans user also, I wasn't sure about a wholescale conversion over to XT60s, so its good to hear your take on this.

    I also have found a different feel to Deans lately, but have assumed that it may be due to the knock-off market using diff tolerances and using lesser quality plastic/composite recipes.

    Its hard to find genuine anything these days.

    Well, I guess its Time to make the change.

    Thanks for the post.
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