Problem with DIRDrones 2 axis camera mount

HI folks.

I need some assistance with the a axis camera mount I purchased. The gears for the tilt axis do not mesh well at all. You can see here what I mean. Also one of my HS-55 servos has decided that it wants to be able to spin freely so I need to order a new servo and camera mount because to servo is glued on and can no longer be removed.

That said, if the new camera mount has the same issue with the gears not meshing, there is no point on getting one. Has anyone else had this problem or perhaps you may have a suggestion for another mount for my 1/3 sony camera?

I followed the instructions as best I could but I am sure either I missed something or perhaps there is a missing detail in the instructions.

I personally think the tolerance with the screw as the shaft is off. Also, the gears the go on the servos have no teeth to mate up with the servo and can move to easily. This in my mind is a flaw that needs to be fixed. Just a thought.

cheers all.


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  • The unit have been out of stock in the store here, so I will try this:

    Looks promising plus they have the widest selection i have seen in the last weeks.

  • I tried one of these and to be honest I thought it was an absolute rubbish design. The inside of my gears was smooth - how the h*ll were the servos supposed to drive them properly? It either did not mesh or was so tight when meshed properly that the servo could not move the rest of the mount. I have come to the conclusion that any mount where half of it is attached to a servo head is going to be too wobbly, even if it is properly designed. I have thrown mine away. Cheers, Bill

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