Problem with Logs



For the past few days my log is not working anymore. When I try to pull the log it will shown the bellow:

ArduCopter V2.5.5] logs logs enabled:  ATTITUDE_MED GPS PM CTUN NTUN CMD

96 logs

Log -1791,    start 1,   end 1

Log -1790,    start 1,   end 1



ys negative, and there is no informations.

My hardware is APM2. I tried erase logs, erase eeprom, reset factory default, upload new firmware, upload fw using arduino. Tried latest code from GIT with new dataflash erase method, pul the dataflash and put it back.

My hexa flew well, it just I need the log to help me with analyze my copter.

Any idea what else I should do?





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  • The new Firmaware Arducopter 2.6 and Arduplane 2.4 using Chip erase method to clear the dataflash.

    Based on my reading on Datasheet of the flash chip, the manufactur (Atmel) mention that Chip erase has intermitent problem and they suggest to use Block erase or Page erase.

    Earlier version of Arducopter and Arduplane use Page erase, it was slow but more reliable, block erase should be faster than page erase and still reliable.

    Maybe dev team can look into this further.





  • I'm getting a similar problem.  My APM2 is brand new.  The first few flights the logs were fine. I downloaded them once and then cleared them through the planner.  Since then, I have never been able to consistently create new logs.  Most of the time I end up with the right number of log files but they start and end with event 1, ie they are zero lenght.  When I download them there is nothing in them.

    Seems like a regression with the latest firmware?  Someone mentioned there is a new erase method being used, maybe that's the problem?

  • I'm running Arduplane 2.40 and I'm getting the same thing on multiple boards.

    I think that the recent firmware might have a bug?  But I'll try some of the suggestions listed here.

  • All,

    Thank you for your suggestion, I'll try it and i report the result :)



  • yovio,

    I had this exact same issue when I loaded 2.6 via Arduino IDE  (was 2.5.4). I have an APM1.  Cleared the logs many times (what's that old saying about doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results?).  Then tried reloading 2.5.4, clearing the logs, performing Setup/Erase/Reset, reloading 2.6, setup/erase/reset - did this many times - the issue still persisted.  

    Then, I changed the routine once.  Started with 2.6 and setup/erase/rest.  Saved Params to disk.  Reloaded 2.5.4.  but no Setup/Erase/Reset.  Then I loaded 2.6 again, but again, no Setup/Erase/Reset.  Then loaded the previously saved 2.6 params.  All works now.    I have not verified that this is the fix for the issue as I have not reproduced the issue and fix again, but I sure am glad it's now working.... 

  • did you try to erase the dataflash?

    In terminal, log download, erase all logs.

    You probably have too many logs and have passed the boundaires. It is probably a bug, but anyway having 96 is not very useful.

    I'm sure if  you erase them, you will get things back as normal.


  • I saw a very similar problem with the latest arduplane firmware, could be related.

  • Anyone experienced this issue?

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