
Problems Loading Firmware

Wanted to switch out my firmware from Hex to Y6.  When I tried, I got confused since MP is telling me something, that I don't understand completely and it doesn't match what the wiki tells me to do.

I press to load firmware and I answer yes I want to load 3.0.1.

Then I get the a dialog I don't understand.  It says "Press unplug the board, and then press OK and plug back in.  Mission Planner will take 30 seconds to find the board."

The wiki says to press the reset button and then click OK.  Which I do and guess what as I'm going through the steps, it now works.  Go figure!

I still think the text from MP is confusing,  Can someone tell Michael Oborne or do I need to post something somewhere else?


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  • Pressing and holding reset got it going. But right now my PX4 is going......back or out the window.

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