RTKlib Touchscreen GUI for Raspberry pi2


This is a open source software of a touchscreen GUI for RTKlib made for a Rasperry Pi 2 and the 5 inch HDMI touchscreen, the software is done with QT 4.5 on a Raspian OS.(can work on any linux machine too)

This project was developped by a student of the master PPMD of ENSG (geographic science highschool in France) and now maintain in open source on Github.

It was made for a easy use of Rtklib on the field, you can use it as a Basestation to send RTCM3 data to a rover to RTK positionning, you can also use it in rover mode to get initial base position or as a real RTK rover to get position of target or objects on the field.


Actually it can do :

- A Basestation for your RTK rover

- A RTK Rover if you have a Basestation, or a standalone GNSS

- Do all configuration setting for Rtklib connectivity and data stream in Base mode

- Choose betwen automatic or manual input for base position (automatic is the last position recorded in rover mode)

- Choosing between 6 preset solution  type in rover mode : Single/SBAS/DGPS/PPP-Static/RTK-Static/RTK-Kinematic

- Loging data for post processing

- Display actual solution and various data about it ( sats number and level, streams, track, etc... )

- Save actual Position in rover mode with a button, files wil be logged in a separate folder, just press the save button to record the actual position

So on the field you will get this

All 3D printing files for the box are included in the Github folder, you can find all installation instructions in the Wiki here:


The projects files are in teh Github here:


For a easy installation for non linux users , a pré-installed disk image can be download and copy to the SD card with Rufus on windows 

  • Copy this image on a SD card, you can use Rufus for that : https://rufus.akeo.ie/
  • Insert the SD card in your Raspberry Pi and start it.

.Pré-installed image for raspberry pi is here :


To build the base you will need:

  • Raspberry pi 2 and a 8gb SD

After 3D printing and assembly it will look like this





Wartch for updates, a small multirotor rover RTK module will be made this summer...

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  • Started building the base station last year but ended up with the launch of Reach RS. Still this seems to be the most cost-effective RTK solution, will be great to see the drone version

  • Hello, Just wondering if you were able to get around to building the rover RTK module. Thanks!

  • Bonjour,

    Lors de l'utilisation de RTKLIB_Touchscreen sur un Raspberry3 sous l'OS raspbian jessie, cette application plante (ainsi que le raspberry) après deux à trois passages du mode "rover" vers "basestation". L'application plante précisément lors du clic sur le bouton "basestation".

    J'ai en vain passé beaucoup de temps pour trouver l'origine de ce plantage

    Quelqu'un a t-il rencontré ce problème? Quelle peut-être l'origine de ce problème?

    Merci par avance.


    Ps: La procédure d'installation et de compilation utilisée est la suivante:
    sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev

    sudo apt-get install libqt4-core

    sudo apt-get install libqt4-gui

    sudo apt-get install libqt4-xml

    sudo apt-get install libqt4-opengl

    sudo apt-get upgrade

    git clone https://github.com/Francklin2/RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI

    cd RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI/RTKBASE/

    chmod u+x build_rtkbase.sh



    RTKLIB GUI for Raspberry Pi with touchscreen made with Qt by the ENSG students - Francklin2/RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI
  • Bonjour,

    Lors de l'utilisation de RTKLIB_Touchscreen sur un Raspberry3, l'application plante (ainsi que le raspberry) aprés 2 ou 3 changements de modes "rover" "baseStation". Le plantage survient toujours lors du clic sur le bouton "basestation"

    Rien à faire, après avoir passé beaucoup de temps, je ne trouve pas l'origine du pb.

    Quelqu'un a t-il rencontré ce problème?

    Merci par avance pour votre aide.


    La procédure de compilation utilisée est la suivante:
    sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev

    sudo apt-get install libqt4-core

    sudo apt-get install libqt4-gui

    sudo apt-get install libqt4-xml

    sudo apt-get install libqt4-opengl

    sudo apt-get upgrade

    git clone https://github.com/Francklin2/RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI

    cd RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI/RTKBASE/

    chmod u+x build_rtkbase.sh



    RTKLIB GUI for Raspberry Pi with touchscreen made with Qt by the ENSG students - Francklin2/RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI
  • Hello,

    I bought and manufactured all the hardware and installed all the programs and it works.

    I've been waiting for the plug to Pixhawk for quite a while.

    I do not know anything about it and I thought the post would continue as mentioned.

    Can anyone help me please ???

    Merci beaucoup, Jean-Sebas

    Francklin said:

    Nous avons actualisé la bibliothèque RTKlib à la dernière 2.43b12, le wiki est également mis à jour avec des instructions d'installation pour SplashScreen et les instructions d'assemblage.

    Le premier message a été modifié pour une meilleure explication de la Rtkbase. un petit appareil mobile pour multirotor sera faite cet été, il sera basé sur une pi orange et le uBlox M8T de Drotek. (coût total avec Orange pi, uBlox M8T et UBEC 5V: environ 100/120 $), il sera en mesure pour donner une sortie de solution NMEA port série qui doit être accepté par la deuxième entrée du GNSS Pixhawk ...

  • Is it possible to use this radio?


    Or what would be a good 5w (10km) radio, where it would be possible to change the frequency?

  • I'm having trouble getting RTKBASE to run properly on the raspberry pi.

    If I go into ~/RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI\RTKBASE and run ./RTKBASE it opens correctly with a white background, but if I create a desktop shortcut, or start it using any of the automatic methods, it opens with a black screen with RTKlib at the top right as it should be and the only buttons visible are the 'power off', 'close gui', and 'help' buttons on the right. The base station and rover icons are not visible.

    Also is it possible to configure this RTKBASE package on raspberry pi to use NTRIP corrections via wifi?

  • Hello, I plan to realize this project of centimeter GPS (RTKlib Touchscreen GUI for Raspberry pi2) and I meet difficulties to configure the UBLOX module (no display of the data transmitted by the module UBLOX on the RASPBERRY).

    Think you for your help.

    I live near Bordeaux.

  • @Tom

    I confirm that I use NEO-M8N-0.01 and RTKLIB is ok, as far as you stay in FW 2.01. ( doesn't work in 3.01 with Galileo addon. see https://github.com/tomojitakasu/RTKLIB/issues/134 ).

    Obiously you are right and M8T is less tricky to configure. 

    Ublox M8N new firmware 3.01 doesn't work anymore on RTKLIB 2.4.3? · Issue #134 · tomojitakasu/RTKLIB
    Hi I recently upgrade my M8N with the new firmware 3.01. If it works on U-center , It seems that RTKLIB does not reconize the GPS anymore. Worked fin…
  • I'm personally no fan of the m8n as far as rtklib goes. I found despite fw 2.01 i could not get the m8n to talk to rtklib IF the module id is NEO-M8N-0-01. However it works if it is a NEO-M8N-0-00, did you manage to get both modules working?

This reply was deleted.


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