I've noticed a lot of talk about what happens after you load a new firmware which requires an EEPROM reset.  It seems a lot of people start with the default parameters, and then spend all the time required to tune it up again.  Or, some people are typing in their parameters manually.

There's an easier way. Before you change to the new firmware, do this:

In Mission Planner, if you go to the configuration tab, and then "Advanced Parameter List" on the right hand side of the screen.  This is the list of ALL the parameters in bulk.  Now look on the right side of this screen, and you'll see "SAVE".  Push that, and save your parameters to a file.

Now, upload the new firmware, reset your EEPROM, all that stuff as before.

Now again, go into the Advanced Parameter List, and on the right hand side, click "Load".  Select the file you saved to.  Now all your old parameters will be in the list, highlighted in green.  Click on "WRITE" and that will write them to the EEPROM.

Now you're right back where you started, easy peasy!

Now, caution!  You have to pay attention to the release notes.  We will try to notify you of any issues using old parameters.  Things like, for example, in the change from 2.7.3 to 2.8, you now need to set the Stab_****_I to 0, and instead put an I term in the Rate PID controllers.

Also, I have had one case where something seemed to be corrupted in the EEPROM file and was causing me a serious flight issue.  I had to erase the EEPROM and start from scratch.  So, just be careful if you elect to use this method.  But it's only happened to me once out of countless save/load cycles.

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  • Hi Robert!

    Thanks for the tip. I've tried to test new 2.8 code with my X8 copter. I was going to hurt myself.

    In 2.7.3 I was flying using default PID params, so I didn't changed anything in 2.8, just upgraded to 2.8, re-radio calibrate, modes set and decided to give it a try.

    When I moved only a single step throttle in my RC it gone wild and was going to fly so badly, I stopped it instantly.

    Could you suggest an overall PID setting for my Octo X8?

    ESC 60A

    Motor to Motor distance 1M

    Motors 400W 920Kv

    Props 12x4.5

    Entire Octo weight with everything 4200 gr

    Battery 4S 20A



  • Would it be possible to add check boxes to MP to do a selective save? Also 2 extra boxes for "All" & "None".

  • Hi Thanks for the tip will try this :-)

  • A variant on this is to edit the file you save from the MP to include only the parameters that you want for a setup. Typically I save the radio settings, flight modes, battery monitoring etc. This lets me do a reset to get the new defaults but avoid a full setup.

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