Last month, I bought a 3DR Iris and one PX4flow device for indoor flying, but the Pixhawk hardware and Autopilot 3.0.1 are not compatible with it (connector, software, and perhaps Pixhawk hardware,...).

Have you any information about already existing improvements, or planned improvements ?



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  • I am waiting desprerately for integration too since i broke my old px4-board! I am willing to help (not very experienced programmer, but willing to learn)

    • Bump...  still no news? It's quite frustrating purchasing $300 in hardware (we bought two of everything) that doesn't work yet.. a note should be made on the product page.

      • +1, I couldn't agree more.

  • It certainly is implied that the px4flow is supported. At least by this page:

    I've spent the last few hours hunting around for how to connect my PX4Flow sensors to the Pixhawk autopilot. Information about it is very thin on the ground, and it appears that ArduCopter 3.1 currently does not support it - please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Frustrated. :/

  • PX4Flow will eventually be supported for both PX4 and Pixhawk.

    Currently it is not supported with the DIYDrones firmware, but various developers are working on it.

  • The only information I got is a bug fix in ArduCopter 3.1-rc1 9-Sep-2013 : Optical flow sensor initialisation fix ( It is not really clear if Px4flow will be supported !!!

    An answer from Iris/Pixwack developpers could be really interisting ...

  • I certainly hope so.

    I just designed a mount for it into my "Terrence" quad airframe, for the express purpose of carrying one (as well as the traditional Maxbotix sonar and optiflow sensors). ie just bolts right on - no drilling etc required.


    Would be good to get some clarification Devs/3DR...?


    PS - where are extras for pixhawk? ie external USB, LED etc?

This reply was deleted.


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