Questions about way points in ArduCopter

Hi guys,

I'm getting better understand about the APM and the ArduCoprter and now I'm trying to do some more advanced stuff with my quad. So, i have 2 questiosn:

1) When you set the WPs, the quad goes to one wp to another pointing the front of the copter to the next wp. I would like know if is possible to make the quad fly side ways, i mean, the follows a line between 2 wp and keep the front on it on that line. I'm trying to make the quad go to a wp to another with the front of it in 90 degrees of that line.

2) How can i change the speed of the quad in the flight and get back to the default speed? Using the DO_CHANGE_SPEED?

PS: following a video of my quad flying with auto take-off and landing


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  • Hi Fernando,

    That sounds like a cool test to do. Have you tried to change your WP_SPEED_MAX automatically or even manually?


  • T3
    Place a CONDITION_YAW after a waypoint and the copter will point that way. Just enter Deg and pick direction clockwise or counter clockwise. DO_CHANGE_SPEED does not seem to work reliably. I use the default speed for waypoints. You find it at either under ArduCopter Config under Nav WP right of m/s or under Adv Parameter List under WP_SPEED_MAX.
    Good luck and fly safe.
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